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Apply for Visa to Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan Visa Request and Requirements of Azerbaijan Embassy

  • Azerbaijan Visa Application form
  • Online Application Form for Azerbaijan Visa  Print out the application form received on e-mai
  • 2 recent coloured photographs 3,5 x 4,5 cm.
  • Valid Passport - must be valid for 6 months on the date of your departure from Azerbaijan.
  • Proof of Legal Status in Canada for Non-Canadian applicants (PR Card, Work Permit, etc.)
  • For Tourist Visa - Copy of the travel tickets and Confirmation from the receiving tourist organization in Azerbaijan or from a hotel. A tourist visa is valid for the exact dates of hotel accommodations purchased in advance. 
  • For Tranzit Visa - A valid visa of the visiting country and a copy of a round trip ticket.
  • For Private Visa -  Invitation letter from Azerbaijani citizen or foreign citizen currently residing in Azerbaijan along with the copy of their Azerbaijani ID.
  • For Business visa - Invitation letter fromreceiving party in the official blank of the company along with the copy of the charter and state registration certificate of the company organization. The Invitation letter must be written in Azerbaijan language.
  • For Multiple-Entry Business Visa
  • An invitation from a receiving party should only be sent through the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan. A multiple entry visa is valid for 1 year with the duration of stay for no more than 90 days. For details the receiving party may contact the Consular Department of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan: 4 Shikhali Gurbanov Str., Baku, AZ 1009. For questions please call + 99450 760 0663.
  • Client Order form. Payments can be made by cash, money order or certified cheque. Prices do not include 13% HST. 


Visa Category

3-7 business days /processing time

Tourist /Private Visa /Single-entry/ up to 90 days


Transit visa / Single-entry/ 3 days


Transit visa / Double-entry / 3 days


Business Visa / Single-entry/ up to 90 days


Business Visar /Double-entry /up to 90 days


Business Visar /Multiple entry /up to one year
